A visual roller-coaster ride through the dizzying world of pop-culture, featuring numerous inspiring people (e.g. now famous Juan Mann, Advocate of the Free Hugs Campaign).
From Down Under comes a new experimental work, that's been Dubbed "a visual rollercoaster ride through the dizzying world of pop-culture," and "investigative journalism on party drugs," by The Sydney Morning Herald’s arts writer Tracey Clement. The 30 minute documentary, what brand <are you?>, features notable Australian personalities such as now infamous YouTube and Oprah star Juan Mann, Advocate of the Free Hugs Campaign (check out his videos on youtube or go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Hugs_Campaign), best selling author Clive Hamilton, and international commercials director Franco Marinelli. Consumerism, branding and its effect on each one of us is hashed out in order to discover what it takes to experience true happiness.