This video was made by two high school students. Please pass it on!! Barack Obama has consistently attacked Senator Clinton about her vote to enter war with Iraq six years ago, even though the majority of the senate voted in a similar fashion. This is the only attack he can make on her, even with her open regret at casting the vote.
Barack Obama is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and he's been a consistent no-show. In the senate, he has passed on over a 100 votes. "That's not yes, that's not no, that's maybe." Do we want a president who already shows such dereliction of duty? A president needs to be able to take strong stances, even though it's not the wisest move politically.
Barack Obama uses the past as his weapon and he is clearly change for the past. Senator Clinton, however, is change for the present and future, because she looks to apply her political prowess to solve problems now and in the future, accompanied by an extensive arsenal of experience.