"Wheels of Fire" from the CD "Resurrection Force" by recording artist Carlos Gomez, with video effects and scripture verses scrolling in it.
It MUST be noted in this, the end times, Joseph is represented by his sons Ephraim and Manasseh as according to the one extra portion given him by Israel, Gen. 48:22 this blessing, and Gen. 48:14-20 allow Great Britain (EPHRAIM), and The United States of America (MANASSEH), to live the opulent life style they do.
Jacob (Israel) Formally adopts his two grandsons Ephraim and Manasseh Gen. 48:5 as his own sons.
Peoples from all the lost tribes can be found in Great Britain and America, these Peoples can truthfully be called "The House of Israel" EZEKIEL 36: 17-36.