"I'm Definitely a Star!: The Extremely Big Man, Revealed Here?"Black Star, along with his kusarigama living weapon Tsubaki infiltrates the home of Al Capone, intending to kill him and his men in order to take their evil souls, but the plan fails horribly since Black Star cannot conceal himself when confronting an enemy. Shinigami later gives Black Star and Tsubaki a chance to kill Capone, his men, and a witch all at once, which would make Tsubaki a death scythe. When they arrive, Capone and his men have already been killed by the witch's bodyguard Mifune, and Black Star challenges Mifune to a fight. During most of the match, Mifune has the upper hand, but Black Star manages to defeat him in the end. Angela, the witch Mifune was protecting, appears and shows herself to be a young witch in need of protection while she is still unable to perform magic well. Black Star ends up not killing either Mifune or Angela, and even gives the souls of Capone and his men over to Shinigami since he himself did not kill them.