A routine meeting with the Moroccan Community turned into a tense shouting match with a group of individuals that almost broke down the tent. One fellow charged the stage to within inches of the officials, another one accused Mr. Herzenni of being a sellout and stormed out of the room, another questioned the position on the stage of the official portrait. The first person to ask a question flatly asked for a group resignation of the advisory counsel on Human rights members for non performance. And it went downhill, or uphill depending on one's point of view, from there. Luckily, Mr., Herzenni, who was flanked by Morocco's ambassador, Mr. Aziz Mekouar on one side and by Minister in Charge of Consular Affairs, Mr. Hassan Khantach, on the other side, kept a cool demeanor,and withstood all the fire lobbed in his direction and said, in essence, that nobody promised a paradise in morocco, That there are many unresolved problems, that it takes more than grandstanding to repair a dysfunctional justice and ...