"Sailor moon and her four Sailor Scouts (Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter) must save the Planet and her best friend Darien from the most evil and dangerous creature in the Universe: the bewitching and deadly Kisenian Blossom. She appears as a beautiful, tiny flower, but looks can be decieving!
Kisenian, traveling from a far away galaxy disguised as a meateor, aims to gather all the 'positive' enery from Earth and plant the seeds of 'negativity' leaving Earth fill of gatred. But she can not so it on her own. Kisenian preys of the vulnerable heart of Dariend's childhood firend, Fiore. Fiore, jealous of Sailor Moon and Darien's passionate friendship, joins Kisenian in her wicked endeavor to gather energy from every start and planet!
Can the magic of Sailor Moon's Crystal and Scepter protect all of mankind from Kisenian's evil plan? Is she strong enough to save the Earth and her loved ones? Or will she be Forced to choose between them?"