Heres A Quick & Easy 1-2-3 Step-By-Step Cheat-Sheet For Formula for MOS Based On The Video Above: 1. Massive Online Success (MOS) formula, when applied, will set you up with incredible amount of authority and credibility online 2. MOS = [TSLOA+MSM+W2.O+FLATCY] x [L+P] * The formula of the missing piece between struggling online and loosing money to massive online exposure for your business and a never ending stream of new customers and clients. 3. The first part, TSLOA = The Secret Law of Attraction 4. MSM means My story Marketing * It is connecting and communicating a message about your story to get people to know and trust you. 5. W2.0 = Web 2.0, the new Internet * Internet with constantly changing and constantly evolving websites. * Internet with new content, new information, new videos constantly growing every single day. 6. FLATCY means Free Leads and Traffic Chasing YOU * It is the result of putting together the TSLOA MSM and W2.0. 7. L+P = Leadership and Passion * Be a leader. Have authority and credibility so people will come to you because they believe in you. * Believe in what you got and be convinced that what you have will really make a difference. * Be passionate and position yourself as a leader to get tremendous result with this massive online success