Hallo to everyone :] This is my first time doing a MMV, so please, no bashing, or i'll bash your face. Anyway, this is basically just to try something new. I kinda like it. Plus i LOVE this manga. There's only one volume which makes me sad D: But, i still love it. The MMV pretty much just explains the relationship between Seraph(The angel looking woman) and Yuina (The main school girl). It's short yes. Been busy lately and hardly have any time to edit(Except now cause of spring break) But yes, it's short. Still hope you enjoy it though. It's not easy making an MMV. I thought it would be, but i was completely wronged lol. Anyway, enjoy. OOH! This is dedicated to MentalProdigy for introducing me to MMV's and the art of it :] Thank you so much~! Program: Sony Vegas 7.0