A common lie attempted by Canadian Seal clubbers is to try to make the public ( you ) believe that they don't kill "baby" seals anymore. This is False. 97% of what they kill are babies.
There is a Law, called the "whitecoat" law, which merely says you're not "supposed" to kill seals before they moult from white fur to grey fur at 14 days. First of all, this doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There's laws against speeding too, but it still occurs. Next, A seal's lifespan is 30 or 40 years. About half a humans. And a seal does not become reproductively mature until 6 or 7 years. This also corresponds to about half that of humans. Humans mature at about 12 to 14 years. However seal clubbers kill seals right after their fur changes from white to grey, which happens at around 13 days! This corresponds to an infant! They try to use the color of their fur to say that a seal somehow instantly becomes an "adult" overnight between day ...