Hey everyone. This is a collab between me and AGBanx. This collab started like 6 months ago when me and Banx were talking about she music. We got talking about a collab since i've never done one with more...her, so i said "Let's do a she one :D". So then began our journey and here we are xD! I must say this is a pretty bang up collab 8D! I love the way it came out :] Thank you so much to AGBanx who accepted to do this pain in the ass with me 8D! [/Why i picked this title i do not know lolz] Minty's Comments~ DKJHIEURFHVCUDTYF! -____- I hated this, and it hated me. My first idea was to do it with Code Geass. After realizing that the episodes i got had THE BIGGEST FONT SIZE IN THE FUCKING WORLD, i gave up and did a horrible job on my part. I completely felt guilty about it and trashed it. Then i saw Yami To Boushi and thought it would fit good with this song aswell. THEN ANOTHER BAD THING HAPPENED. I saved my part in HD format like an idiot And deleted the project -___-' So i had to remake my part AGAIN! This time, i used what i am truly good at. Wolf's Rain :] I think it came out quite nicer acutally lolz. There's my story on my part and how it hates me xD AGBanx's Comments~ Sorry my part turned out so sloppy; Movie Maker was doing everything tp get on my last nerves. And thsnk yuo MewMintyNaara for putting up with me during this little project. Programs: Windows Movie Maker, Sony Vegas 7.0