Moms Want to Make an Informed Choice
RED BANK, NJ - November 30, 2009 A national survey reveals the majority of mothers know breastfeeding is ideal for their babies and themselves but at
the same time want the right to decide what works best for them and their families. The survey of mothers of children aged 12 months and younger found that
most mothers (83%) made their infant feeding decision prior to going to the hospital to give birth. The vast majority (82%) breastfed at some point during
the first year; however, over half of the moms changed their baby's diet during the first year. Three out of four moms believe new mothers should receive
information on breastfeeding as well as infant formula so they can make an informed choice. Most mothers agree infant formula provides flexibility and
choice, as well as a means of supplementing breastfeeding. Mothers also reported barriers to breastfeeding included low breast milk supply, returning to
work, and sore/cracked nipples. "We need to provide more ...