To begin a home-based business now, call 800-414-5919 or fill out the contact form at During the past several years the 3 Step Plan has helped thousands of families start their own home business. The 3 Step Plan is not a work at home job that pays by the hour; it is a turn key system for building your own home business. It works like a mini franchise. You won't have to stock, store or deliver any products. You won't have to talk your friends and family into anything. You don't have to be a sales person because the 3 Step Plan marketing system does all the selling for you. You'll choose your own hours and have a flexible schedule to work around family commitments. You'll work with people with similar family values. The 3 Step Plan is simple and we'll teach you everything you need to know to be successful. If you are looking for some extra money, an early retirement or maybe a full time income to replace the job you already have, visit and fill out the simple form. A 3 Step Plan member will call you and explain how the 3 Step Plan works. You can also call 800-414-5919 now to begin a home-based business.