This battle was intense and I loved every minute of it and although I was BR8 at the end of the battle I did start it at BR7. None of my characters have done any stat grinding. Most have their original starting weapons except for Rush who has the Defender and David who took the Commander's Rapier that I picked up in Numor Mine. All the others were as they were at the beginning of the game. The only battles I fought during the whole of disc one were forced battles except for one fight against Bandit who I bumped into in Vale of the Gods. The fights were Gaslin Caves with Blocter, Robelia Castle with Pagus, Dillmoor, Blackdale, Fiery Idol, 2 Qsitis when trapped in the room, 4 Qsitis outside the door and the battle against Namul Niram in Numor Mine. From there I went to the Aquaducts and began my battles against the 5 Harpylia, the Gates of Hell and Jager and the Lob Omen. I finished Disc 1 at BR8 and, provided you get your strategy right, I don't see any reason why everyone couldn't do this. Give it a try, it doesn't take that long to whizz through the storyline to the Aquaducts.