is a Free membership interactive social site, designed especially for anyone interested in style and expression to easily access, search for and create collages called frames to show off to everyone. Facebook does a great job of uploading and organising personal photos, now Styleframe takes this to another level with the introduction of creative and artistic tools to allow you to show off photographs of your family and friends in a unique way. Creating frames is very rewarding. With a little time users will find that they are able to create very satisfying works of art! Whether your interests are personal or professional, as long as you have something to express, is for you. Publish your creations quickly and easily on your blog, via email, Facebook and Twitter, interact with your friends make comments and select favourites. All you need is; access to the internet and a basic understanding of computers to create unique Frames of your favourite outfits, interiors and art. The simple drag and drop process, uses straight forward editing tools. Members can clip items from online stores or select items the StyleFrame community have already clipped. You should definitely join the StyleFrame community if you: * would like to express yourself * want to create a new look for yourself or a friend * are looking for a fashion outfit for your date, wedding or party * wish to promote your brand or products * you create presentation moodboards * just simply wish to have some creative fun Allow to help you create vibrant frames or explore frames created by others without the need for expensive courses or programs. Create Frames and keep them to yourself in our easy use draft section until you are ready to publish. StyleFrame, an ideal location for Vibrant Creativity and Stylish Expression.