CPA Traffic Dojo by Christian Weselak is creating quite a stir within the online marketing circles and there is good reason. This sequel to PPC Ninja 1.0 is being heralded as a breakthrough marketing system that will finally release affiliate marketers from the grasp of Google and the other overly saturated traffic sources. Christian's first marketing system(PPC Ninja 1.0) presented many underground and highly guarded secrets of the elite within the marketing realm. These unveiled tactics and strategies produced amazing results within hundreds of lives and clearly demonstrated the caliber of Christian's teaching methods. In view of this, there are thousands of people waiting in line for the May 24th release. Pay per Click Ninja â CPA TRAFFIC DOJO is guaranteed to pull away the veil of secrecy that many of the super affiliates have cherished. Most importantly, it is not filled with old tactics and strategies but fresh methods of gleaning new traffic sources that have proven to bring high conversions and huge profits.