I wanna speak with you all about realities starting with the fact that it is us that he frees and in that freedom we have been made to please. Just go outside and take a look at the trees every tree that's alive will be filled with leaves and when its fruit is ripe you can pick it with ease. Now ask yourself, what did that tree have to do, but be planted in the ground as a seed that is new the sky gives the rain, and the ground gives the dew the sun shining down, every day its renewed. With all of this occurring you know growth will ensue and that tree will grow up producing fruit for you This, my dear friends, is the same that we do. So live with your roots firmly planted in him watered from the deep well of the spirit within knowing all of us are clean, no more conscious of sin. The light of his love, nurturing every limb. Basking in his grace, as I'm writing this hymn knowing it's all from the Lord, we are filled to the brim fruits' about to burst, surely this is no whim. Believe it no matter what it looks like around for the outward appearances will always abound with illusions and deceptions ,all of which are unsound So with like-minded brothers and sisters surround yourself with encouragements sure to confound the wisdom of the world knowing where they are found. -IN HIM-