Finally made the timelapse I was talking about... It's a little long, so go ahead and skip to the highlights if you like. Some parts, where the road is curvy, seem to flicker. Thats why I listed the highlights, the places where the time lapse looks coolest, or there is something to see. Enjoy. Highlights: Road Trip Highlights 0:00 Intro/Setup Beginning of drive is Long Grove to WI up Rt 12 for those who are familiar with the drive to Alpine... 1:00 Epic, ft. Korengold 4:30 South Dakota 5:15 Badlands 5:58 Mt Rushmore 8:30 Into Yellowstone 9:39 Through Yellowstone 10:40 Montana 11:00 Montana 12:05 Montana 13:10 Washington 13:55 Wind Farm I know it was long, but I hope you liked the good parts. Until next time...