These days people can not imagine a day without being online. They use it to work or just for an entertainment. The questions by experts, who took a part in the conference on the open Internet and net neutrality in Europe, were about the rules and restrictions for consumers. Whether they are the same in every country for every customer. The conference took place at the European Parliament on 11 Nov. 2010.
There was a consensus that traffic management is a necessary and essential part of operating a secure and efficient network. Blocking of phone services over the internet (i.e. Voice over Internet Protocol - VoIP) and bandwidth throttling of sites raise concerns for many respondents.
The responses included few calls for minimum quality-of-service requirements at this stage, but clear support for industry-wide standards on transparency to enable consumers to make informed choices. Many respondents consider that transparency by itself would not allay all net neutrality concerns, particularly where there ... Distributed by Tubemogul.