Dr. Roger Coon has served his church for more than a half-century in numerous and varied leadership roles, including pastor, evangelist, teacher, author, and hospital chaplain among others. He is perhaps best-known for his work in theological education, having co-founded the Adventist Seminary of West Africa, and taught courses or served as guest lecturer on the campuses of 33 of the 87 institutions of higher education operated by Seventh-day Adventists worldwide. He also served as Associate Director of the White Estate for 12 years until his retirement in 1993. He continued to be a much-in-demand speaker at church gatherings until he passed away on February 2, 2011. In 1890 Ellen White spoke of "the very last deception of Satan" within Adventism as being a concerted effort to accomplish two goals: 1) To destroy her credibility as a true prophet of the Lord, and 2) The creation of a "Satanic...hatred" against those writings--"Satanic" both as to origin, and also as to intensity. (1SM48:3,4) This is part two of the five part series. THE "MORALITY" ISSUE. The Barrier of Alleged Plagiarist Practices. Many dismiss Ellen White's claim to prophetic inspiration because of seeming evidence that she committed plagiarism, and then, allegedly, compounded her problem by reportedly denying it. In any responsible consideration of this problem, five issues must (and will) be examined: 1) The Definitional Problem, 2) The Biblical Problem, 3) The Legal Problem, 4) The Ethical/Moral Problem, and 5) The Practical Problem. Please visit http://breachrepairers.webs.com for more information concerning these topics.