In the spring of 2012, 1980s style slasher film INTENT TO KILL will be in festivals and in limited theatrical release. The film marks a return to old-school atmosphere and suspense based horror filmmaking, which the filmmakers believe to be missing in most modern horror offerings that forsake suspense and atmosphere for sheer intensity. As we have all seen with most modern films, without suspense, intensity alone falls flat on its face. INTENT TO KILL supplies both. SYNOPSIS: In the hours following the final day of school, terror strikes in the form of a vengeful killer for a group of soon-to-be graduates. The first film in five years from independent horror-house, Harmony Hill Productions, marks a return to their roots in horror cinema after branch-out endeavors in the music video realm including Lord Lhus' "He Sold Out" music video, which was also directed by Intent To Kill director, Darren Wilbanks. Check the Facebook page for updates on the release to find out when Intent To Kill will be in your city: Hope you guys enjoy it!