Please check out the official ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ website where you can view all 10 Productions of the ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ series in their full and uncut forms at: You're watching the Remastered Version of Episode 0 of CAPTAIN CATHOLIC. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Tony DeGennaro and I'm a Roman Catholic. This episode features the 'Origin Story' of Captain Catholic, originally released in January 2007. Although the ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ series is clearly supposed to be funny in some regards, the main reason I started the ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ series is to see what people think about particular moral issues while simultaneously attempting to spread core Catholic values such as love, selflessness, peace, and hope. This isn't about imposing views on people, the Catholic Church isn't for that. It's about getting people to discuss what they think and why they think what they do, which is what the Church encourages - dialogue among people of different beliefs. I would also like to clear up issues regarding what the Catholic Church really teaches, as many people (some Catholics included, unfortunately) seem to have a very false impression of the what the Church really does teach (it’s political teachings are neither conservative nor liberal). The core of this series is discussion. In future ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ productions, specific moral and political issues are presented, such as capitalist economics, immigration, the death penalty, abortion, and sweatshop labor. Please go to the official ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC’ discussion board, located on Facebook at the following location: I want to hear your thoughts on the issues presented in ‘CAPTAIN CATHOLIC.’ Feel free to email me or message me if you want to talk about anything. Thank you so much for watching, you will be in my prayers. Peace be with you ~ Tony