There are probably three different types of people that would utilize a virtual office. The most common one is a small business owner in the local area that needs to have a professional address outside of their home office. Or possibly a small company that is getting beyond the home business stage where they have multiple employees and they need to have a place to meet on a weekly or a semi weekly basis.
Another type of business that would utilize a virtual office is a company that is expanding into the Denver market. Those types of businesses need to have a Denver address, a Denver telephone phone number but they don't want to be spending thousands of dollars on a traditional office space.
The third type of business that might use a virtual office may be a larger company, like IBM or Accenture. These companies may have their workforce serve in a distributed fashion. Those various employees need to have a touchdown place to work from on an occasional basis.
Working from home can be great, but sometimes the home office doesn't necessarily work well in every scenario.