ずっとウソだった - 斉藤和義 (Rock ver.) 英訳: Paul Kimさん(ありがとうございます) - They've Been Telling Lies To Us - Walk through this long country of islands You'll find fifty-four nuclear power plants My textbooks and tv ads have been saying "They are safe" They've been cheating us And now they say "it's beyond expectation" I'm missing the good old blue sky Black rain makes me feel itchy They've been telling lies to us but the reality has come out They've been really telling lies Atomic power is safe They've been telling lies to us I want to eat fine spinatches They've been really telling lies They must have realized this bad state would be No one can stop the radiation blowing in the wind How many people must be exposed to radiations Till our goverment realizes it Apart from this divastated town, Have you found some water that tastes good Please tell me, No, that's OK There's nowhere else to go anyway It's been bull shit all the time To-Den and Hoku-Den, Choo-Den and Kyoo-Den, too Though we don't have any dream on them Though it's been bull shit all the time They're gonna keep on going on It's been really bull shit to me I feel like doing something for that They've been telling lies to us It's been really bull shit to me ------ To-Den:Tokyo Electric Power Company Choo-Den: Chubu Electric Power Company Hokuden: Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. Kyoo-Den: Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.