The third game we played on Gamer Night #7 (July 7, 2008) was Plasma Sword on Dreamcast. Match 1: Darthluke1 vs. Sean. P1 - Darthluke1/Gamof P2 - Sean/Vector Match 2: Da_Gamer(Me) vs. Alex P1 - Da_Gamer(Me)/Hayato P2 - Alex/Byakko Match 3: Adam vs. Lynn. P1 - Adam/Shaker P2 - Lynn/Spirit_Gamer/Blood Match 4: Da_Gamer(Me) vs. Breaking_Silence. P1 - Da_Gamer(Me)/Hayato P2 - Breaking_Silence/Luca Match 5: Adam vs. Da_Gamer(Me). P1 - Adam/Shaker P2 - Da_Gamer/Hayato Match 6 (Final Match): Darthluke1 vs. Da_Gamer(Me) P1 - Darthluke1/Gamof P2 - Da_Gamer(Me)/Hayato Winner: ???? (Watch the video)