(480) 382-3109
If a contractor has had a complaint filed against its license with the Registrar of Contactors, and the complaint was not resolved in the initial inspection stages, the homeowner has, or will, file a Request for a Citation and Complaint. It is at this point that the contractor should consult with Scottsdale construction lawyers to discuss the matter.
Once a Request for a Citation and Complaint has been filed against a contractor, the ROC will typically send a letter to the contractor advising the contractor that unless they are able to resolve this issue with the homeowner within a certain time frame, a formal citation and complaint will be issued against their license.
If the case is not resolved, the ROC will mail the Citation and Complaint to the homeowner and contactor.
If a contractor is notified that a homeowner has submitted a Request for a Citation and Complaint against his/her license, the contractor needs to protect its ability to earn an income and needs to contact a Scottsdale construction lawyer to develop a strategy on how to deal with this issue going forward.
The Peddy Berg Law Firm, PLLC
6380 E. Thomas Road, Suite 328
Scottsdale, AZ 85251