This isn't really aimed at don Trump but towards his supporters. The people that support Donald Trump. So never mind the fact that he can attack the mother of a Fallen Hero Never mind that. what I wnt to do is go back to the handicapped reporter. So my question to the supporters is how do you support a guy who mocks the handicapped? I mean that's beyond politics. That's in a category by itself and I don't know I just don't get it you know. My parents told me as a little kid you don't mock the blind or the maimed. That was before I could read. But a grown man and he's running for office? And he Mocks the handicaped? So my question to the supporters is how are you going to support a guy like that? Is that what you want? Alright well you're just making it easier for the Democrats. Easier for Hillary I'm just glad I'm not a republican because the Republican Party is going to have one hell of a time with damage control for years and years to come. They're going to be trying to undo all the damage that's been done in his last year. More to come stay tuned.