Navicat provides a powerful tool to create models. To convert existing tables and views into a model, you can right-click a database or schema and select “Reverse Database to Model...” or “Reverse Schema to Model...” from the popup menu. Alternatively you can right-click the selected tables or views and select ”Reverse Tables to Model...” or ”Reverse Views to Model...” from the popup menu. When you’ve finished designing the model, you can put it back to the existing database. Select “Synchronize to Database” in “Tools” from the menu. In Navicat Premium, you can convert the database type for the model. When you create a model for Oracle schema, you can change it to a model for MySQL database. Select “Model Conversion” in “File” from the menu and choose the desired database type and version. Navicat will convert fields to relevant field types, according to server type. You may need to change the SQL syntax of the views after the conversion. To retrieve SQL from the model, select “Export SQL” in “Tools” from the menu. Edit properties on the appropriate tabs.