With ease, a large percentage of Renoites turn out for ED in autos. Must not be too hard on them. Maybe they swore off driving for a week just to go to ED. Then again, they may be selfish.
As President and Vice President of the Reno Society for Preservation of Irrational and Illogical Thought Processes, or Sometimes Clear Prevarication (RSIITPSCP), Freddy and I pose the following:
That those who rode in comfort to Earth Day are either unbelievers in general or believers unclear on the principles. This in no way is to be interpeted as an assertion that world oil prices would slip measureably, nor that CO2 emissions would drop for a couple of hours if they all used their feet. But it does bring up issues of selfishness and pompious behavior on the part of the least likely group that one would think needs a lecture on the subjects.
The Chinese and Indians want to join the party, and that's where what you do or don't do pales in significance.