Yay! Yaaaaaay! (scratch that)
Two-week long project for a 120 second song... I suck.
This video was normally uploaded to youtube but it killed the quality, so... yes. You can find it here
But the video turned out the way I wanted it to. It's bold. Sad where it needs to. Cute where it also needs to. I wanted to portray a lot of things in there. Relationship-wise I wanted; love, being betrayed by those close to you, hate, loss... strong bonds between people in their variety of forms actually...
I hope I managed to do that.
So yes. It's Kyou Kara Maoh! best anime there ever was and Yuuri/Wolfram cutest couple ever. Yes, shounen ai alert beforehands. Okay. Uhhh... also sorry for the subs at some points. I couldn't find enough raw material. Thanks for understanding.
Small/difficult AMV project
Song: Prelude 12/21
Artist: AFI
Animation: Kyou Kara Maoh
Pairing: Yuuri/Wolfram