Mystery Babylon is written on her forehead.
Ancient Babylon had 36 gods counting like this 1+2+3+4 all the way to 36 it equaled 666 a sacred number to the Babylonians. This number was given to the god Murdack.
The book of Revelation 17 has Mystery Babylon written on it. She sits on 7 heads of the beast. The beast in Revelation 13 says its a number of a man 666.
Many apply the number to a person's name. So who is the Beast and who is 666. History givens us some hints. Since the protestant reformation great men have understood the beast power in Revelation. They saw it as the church and state system in Europe during the dark ages. This teaching caused a split in the church calling them protestants.
This understand is now expanded as you will see a count down in church history to discover the identification of the 666 man.