"Website Advertising http://www.Majon.com Things to consider BEFORE you begin to invest money into additional internet marketing efforts... 1) Make sure that your web site is up and running and Fully Functional. You should have all working links and your web site should pull up in a speedy response time. 2) Properly code your main web page text with all the correct keywords and keyword phrases that are meaningful for your business. Your keywords should be used inside your web page meta tags as well as be used inside the text portion of your website. 3) It is important to simplify your website and make it clear what ""action"" you want your web visitors to take once they arrive at your main web page. This should be apparent within a 10 second study of visiting your main web page. Welcome to Majon International! If you have a web site business selling products and services...Then Majon can help you with internet marketing & web site advertising! Majon has helped thousands of companies succeed on the web with their PROVEN successful internet marketing and online advertising services. Yahoo has recognized Majon as a leader in the industry and one of the MOST POPULAR Online Marketing & Web Site Advertising companies on the web. Majon is even ranked at the top of Google for Internet Marketing (arguably one of the most competitive keyword phrases in the world!) Now you can put these same services to work for your online business! Click around the Majon website at majon.com to get started with website directory submission, email marketing, web linking and targeted web traffic! Internet marketing & internet advertising has never been better!"