While visiting Crown City to view the annual Pokémon Baccer World Cup Satoshi (Ash), Takeshi (Brock), and Hikari (Dawn) come across a Zorua who is looking for its companion. Elsewhere, a Zoroark begins attacking Crown City in the guises of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, forced to because its son, Zorua, is being held captive by Grings Kōdai. Kōdai is a wealthy businessman who has come in contact with a remnant of the legendary Pokémon Celebi's time travelling powers, and uses these powers to look into the future, destroying Crown City's lush greenry in the process. Celebi senses these disturbances and travels through time to visit Crown City once more. Satoshi, Takeshi, and Hikari help Zorua save Zoroark and show Grings Kōdai for the evil person he is.