"sUPEREDS 223 weekly intenRnet video" for march 5 2011 titled "sUPEREDSsurrealgongmusic" sUPERED the internet video artist/street performer/film editor billed as the 13th most strangest person on de internet makes a short promo video for his world known master piece dvd that was released nov 12 2002 called sUPEREDSsurrealgongmusic the orignal dvd runs 1 hour and 11mins and was filmed on oct 24 2002 sUPERED took 30sec clips from 8 of the 11 song storys that are on the dvd and makes a 5min promo video for the internet---- the dvd came with a cd with a different sound track but the same songs and words recorded 3 months before the dvd was filmed the cd was recored on july 24 2002 it was cutting edge back in 2002 now it is just a master piece haha enjoy smile IIIII11111IIIIIsUPERED 1511sUPERED veoh.com sUPEREDbodyforhire