Convert your nukes from fission to fussion with powerspin articles, feed the panda what it wants! like us on facebook follow us on twitter Why Power-spun Articles? February 24 2011 Google unleashed the Panda algorithm upgrade and changed the game for everyone. Power-spun Articles are the answer. Rankings for many SEO marketers plummeted at unprecedented rates as their sites were deemed poor due to duplicate content, or DE-indexed. No longer were SEO marketers able to spam the internet with tons of cheap content spun with automatic software and get reasonable results in rankings. Panda has been rumored as being 85% content, 10% page load speed, and 5% everything else. This means 85% of your rankings is based on the quality of the content on your site. This also goes for the quality of the content of your links. Articles without substance will risk never being indexed or DE-indexed, as they are also judged by the same 85-10-5% formula.