David covers a lot more than bone density and joint health... he gives the latest technology like organic silica and much more. Truly one of his must watch videos. This video is a teaser for the Longevity Conference... but the fact remains the info is top notch.
If you are stuck on what type of products to develop, this short video will give you some "Big Ideas'.
This is a proven strategy to developing products people are already buying and want -- no more guessing.
Popularity Contest Plugin Issues
I decided to jump off the cliff and upgrade to Wordpress 2.5 yesterday, as my buds at social power linking were not having any issues — they really liked the new admin and dashboard.
I just needed a way to upload my videos to more than one site at a time. If you have ever uploaded the same video to eight or ten sites one at a time, you know how painful and slow this process can be.