Be Veg. Go Green. 2 Save the Planet.(吃素、環保、來救地球)for more details, Please visit On November 12, the United Nations requested the help of the international community to address an increasingly desperate situation due to the spread of cholera in Haiti since its initial outbreak a month ago...etc. 11/12聯合國請求國際社會幫助,因應1個月前霍亂在海地,首次爆發並傳播後,造成的日益嚴峻局勢...等等。
Former Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.'s climate change panel won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for spreading awareness of man-made climate change and laying the foundations for counteracting it. (Oct. 12)
前美國副總統高爾與聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組,於 12日贏得今年諾貝爾和平獎。他們致力傳播人為氣候變遷的知識,並且為防治氣候變遷措施奠定基礎,早已成為對抗暖化問題的全球鬥士 。