A day after tragedy struck at Xcel Corporation's Cabin Creek power plant, investigators have an initial determination of the cause. Five people died and four others were injured when fire broke out in a 12-foot water pipeline at the plant. (Oct. 3) 位於美國科羅拉多喬治城的Xcel能源公司發電廠近日發生爆炸,造成5人死亡,另有4人因大火延燒導致12呎水管爆裂而受傷。案發隔日,調查員對於爆炸起因已有了初步的結論。
The U.S. suspended all land travel by U.S. diplomats and other civilian officials in Iraq outside Baghdad's Green Zone, amid mounting public outrage over the alleged killing of civilians by the U.S. Embassy's security provider Blackwater USA. (Sept. 18)
伊拉克巴格達民眾指控美國國務院承包商黑水保全公司 所雇用的僱傭兵 涉嫌濫殺伊拉克平民 在這一起濫殺事件的聲浪中 美國已暫時禁止外交人員在伊拉克巴格達綠區以外的活動