Muslims' America - American Sufis 2.3 Muslims' America -- American Sufis part 2 - break 3 -
Part 2 of Muslims' America -- American Sufis, talks about the struggles of Muslim Americans in a post 9/11 America. Abdul Jabber (Michael Toomey) of
BMF.ORG says that in his opinion the big struggle right now is two-fold: most of it is internal, because it's forcing the Muslims in America to really look within themselves and find their relationship with God and achieve their inner peace. He says a lot of people were born Muslims and they haven't had to consciously become true Muslims. It's just that they grew up like that and this is forcing them to really read the Quran and really study who they really are and gain their own wisdom from that, for the first very time. He acknowledges that it's almost like converting to their own religion: converting to real Islam.