VIDEO : Waco : The Big Lie (Linda Dianne Thompson, 1993)This is the famous documentary produced by Linda Dianne Thompson,
law counselor in Indiana, researcher, and founder of the
American Justice Federation.
Watch in horror as Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agents violate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 under the false pretense of claimed drug activity under United States Code (USC) 32, section 112, regarding "Drug Interdiction" by the National Guard (how does this affect the ATF though???), coming in originally based on false allegations of child abuse, saying that David Koresh was "beating babies" ... fighting Branch Davidians who never fired a single shot until they were fired at; no legal or lawful justification exists for the actions of the ATF in murdering 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children and 2 pregnant women ... all of whom can be seen in this video being peaceful and easy-going dedicated Christians following their God in the way the see fit and in accordance with the intent and meaning of the united States federal Constitution.
After the Waco massacre, the FBI and ATF held separate press conferences, as the FBI agents realised that the ATF had done something totally illegal and unlawful.
In the video, you will see one ATF agent shoot blindly into the Branch Davidian church window, killing 3 of his fellow ATF members; Branch Davidians were later blamed for this, falsely accused of killing the 3 ATF agents.