The subject DiAm0nD skips jump animations throughout the video and also has a popping motion when jumping, which is the biggest sign of a speed hacker.
I mostly just watched her while other kept her busy to show her speeding. My ping and Fps where decent for most of the time, which wouldnt have mattered much in anycase since she was the only one moving faster and skipping jump animations.
Pade, leader of Tsubasa guild caught hacking.
He's using Spirit of Cure VII while on Rogue. I watched him for quite a while, so it's not a visual bug. He's botting aswell, i got videos prooving that, that i might upload later.
Player Magnificent Speed hacking on war channel caught via select server method and fraps with screenshots.. approximately 2 hour of retard speed hacking while his guildmate cheer for him.. He was in Bloody Ice speed hacking around 12 am.. the video was around 3 am already in desert scream
Server: Venus
Offender: Magnificent
Guild: SGX