A postal experienceA somewhat short and cruddy video of Postal 2. I know it sucks, I was making it to show a friend. Before the notes, i'd like to say that I did NOT make this game. Running With Scissors Inc. did.
--This was a run through this particular day with god mode on, to get the most interesting footage of the game.
-There is no game sound due to a mistake in my choosing which sound device to use before recording several 4 gig sized avi's all of which were good and irreplacable footage.
-For those who haven't played this game before, it is one of the top controversial games and is even banned in a couple countries, although the game can be played with a minimal amount of violent actions, albeit difficult.
Please keep this in mind before posting how incredibly violent this is and PLEASE do not start spewing anti-game and anti-violence rants and comments. The 18+ rating is there for a reason.
-I personally cannot wait for the third game to arrive (on the source engine no less).