The Production TeamLights... Camera... Action! From the creators of Shaken...Not Stirred, they bring you this thrill ride of action, hilarity and.... tits? This critically acclaimed sitcom is centered around the off-screen antics of a student production team, behind the new and up coming hidden camera show; 'Up Yours!', presented by Hugo (Craig Thomson) and Rose (Ellie Fleur).
Luke (Elliott Wheatley), Claire (Paige Maxfield), Will (Dan Barby) and George (Ed Rusak-Plant) are all key members of the production team helping to finish 'Up Yours!' in time for the Channel 4 commisioner to arrive. Will 'Up Yours!' be a success? Or will the production team fail in their roles?
4th June 2009 - The Production Team was winner of Best Film at the Rawlins Film Showcase 2009!