"Are We in a Narcissism Epidemic?...Why you're not so special" -from recent Newsweek Magazine. People are talking about parental overpraise all over the Web these days, JBJ included. Sound off here!
We all lose it sometimes, better then bottling it up and having a chip (or boulder) on your shoulders. Whenever I think Iâm going to lose it, I go ahead and scream into a pillow & punch my bed a few times. I like to do it in privacy :p
Are those little people keeping you up at night? They're cute, but boy do you feel like tossing them aside when their feet are wedged into your side as you try to slumber. Or not?
Does Dad help enough with the kids? Do you nag him too much for him to want to help? We're digging in to find out who really does the majority of the childcare in families, and why. Tell us what the dealio is in your family.
As busy moms, we've got to take care of ourselves - put the oxygen mask on ourselves first - before we can help our kids. So what's "taking care of yourself" mean to you?