Mosaic News - 4/17/09: World News From The Middle EastMosaic is a Peabody Award-winning daily compilation of television news reports from the Middle East. This episode includes the following stories:
Jerusalem Palestinians fear eviction by Israel, Red Mosque cleric's militant message, and Dog Sales in Iraq Boom.
Jerusalem Palestinians fear eviction by Israel
Al Jazeera TV, Qatar
Palestinian shot dead after knife attack on Jewish settlers
IBA TV, Israel
Egpt's Attack on Hezbollah Draws Criticism
Al-Alam TV, Iran
Iran seeks Dialoque With US
Al Arabiya TV, UAE
Red Mosque cleric's militant message
Al Jazeera English, Qatar
60,000 Arab Refugees in Iraq Seek Asylum
Al-Iraqiya TV, Iraq
Regaining Confidence in Arab Financial Markets
Dubai TV, UAE
Dog Sales in Iraq Boom
Alsumaria TV, Iraq
Netanyahu's Deal: Bushehr for Settlements
Link TV, USA