Ghost Stories Ep 02 EnglishA Hand Reaches out of The Toilet...Akagami Aogami (Red Paper, Blue Paper)
Hanako (Episode 2)
Hanako is the ghost of a little girl that haunts the ladies' restroom of the old school building. She appears to be harmless and has no intention to scare people, for she only wants to play and make friends. She appears mainly in the 2nd episode, trying to call for help when her lair is taken over by Akagami-Aogami, and makes several cameos in the other episodes.
Akagami-Aogami (Episode 2)
Translated as "Red Paper Blue Paper", Akagami-Aogami haunts the restrooms asking to his victims if they want red paper or blue paper. Both options are terrible ways of death, with "red" meaning the victim getting his blood drained out and "blue" meaning suffocation until the victim becomes blue due to asphyxiation. Answering with another color doesn't stop him either, as Hajime does so (in this case he answered "yellow paper") and is almost dragged to the underworld. Satsuki seals Akagami-Aogami through a jar filled with water and marked with the symbol of a Tori. He appears in the 2nd episode and re-appears in the 20th episode.