JUST FOR MEN® HAIRCOLOR OFFERS CONFIDENCE-BUILDING ADVICEThe economic downturn has wreaked havoc on careers all across the job seeking spectrum, but for men aged 45-54, the unemployment rate of 7.1% is the highest since the 7% record set in 1983*. And for many older job seekers, it's the first time in a number of years that they've faced an active job search. Just for Men Haircolor is providing practical job search advice for older seekers, with a new site incorporating content from the career experts at Monster.com.
"The Guy's Guide to Reenergizing Your Career" offers up a range of resources including 14 articles on "Strategies to Leverage Experience," "The 40+ Career Reinvention Checklist," "Lessons from Past Recessions" and more.
Just For Men® Haircolor asked the experts at Monster.com to contribute hard-hitting, practical advice for guys who need new tools to deal with this new economic reality. The microsite also includes new articles by men's expert Michael Kimmel, PhD, Sociologist at the State University of New York (SUNY) Stonybrook, the author of ...