RainReserve Rain Barrel Rain DiverterThis Video gives excellent information on water conservation, rain barrels, how to stop rain barrel over flow, rain barrel work shops, rain barrel painting and design, how to stop mosquitoes from entering rain barrels, and how to stop algae and critters from entering your rain barrel. This video also talks about hidden and blended rain barrels, rain water runoff, storm water runoff, garden hoses, soaker hoses, city gardening, guerrilla gardening, and container gardening. Also covers: rain barrel overflow, rain barrel spout, rain barrel mosquitoes, rain barrels gutters, rain barrel hose, rain barrel soaker hose, recycled rain barrel, rain barrel diverter, rain barrel drip irrigation, rain barrel spigot, connect rain barrels, rain barrel with hose, drip irrigation from rain barrel, water barrels cheap, and rain barrel sprinkler system. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy6_1T8APaE http://www.rainreserve.com