Lady Geek TV - The App Show - Episode 11: Can Your Smartphone Make London A Nicer Place?Is this your experience of living in London: Tube, work, tube, home? Tube, work, tube, home? As a non-Londoner, does the thought of the big smoke strike fear and loathing in your heart? Lady Geek want to open up London and help you experience everything London has to offer.
In a special London episode, Lady Geek learn more about London in the Evening Standard (,167399,167400,167398,167401,167402,176765) and see London above ground using Barclays Cycle Hire, with help from the Cycle Hire app by Lock Stock ( Meanwhile, Street Museum by the Museum of London ( turns all of London into a living museum and changes your perception of London, street by street.
Get in touch before 6 pm on Tuesday 27 September and you can win a smart Nokia E5. All you need to do is share the show on Facebook. You can do this by visiting our page at , clicking âLikeâ to follow us and then sharing the show on your Facebook page and using â@Lady Geek TVâ to tag us in the status. You can also subscribe via iTunes at
The Lady Geeks look forward to hearing from you!