Taina Bien-Aime, Executive Director of Equality Now, an international human rights organization that works for the protection of the rights of women and girls, gives a graphic list of horrendous abuses faced by women around the world today. How big a stick should an Algerian man be allowed to use while beating his wife? Laws prohibiting women from driving cars in Saudi Arabia are barely twenty-years old, the result of increasing social restrictions placed on women in recent years. Genital mutilation. **** within marriage. Girl child brides. Wife obedience laws. These horrors do not seem to concern the United States which has not even signed on in support of international laws against the abuse of children. This is an excerpt from a panel discussion at the IHEU-Appignani Bioethics Conference, U.N.Plaza, NYC, April 23,2006 focusing on women's reproductive and sexual rights.